Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ozero vs the Bechdel test.

So... the Bechdel test. Aimed at movies, it's supposed to be a test of feminism. If two female characters (named, actual characters, not extras or bit parts like "secretary") have a conversation that ISN'T about a man, then the film passes.

Ehhh.. Well, what if they're discussing bikini waxing and the atheistic value of push up bras? But whatever.. it's kind of a silly rule that places a benchmark that isn't terribly telling. But it's something worth thinking about, I guess.. let's see... how do my books do?

Lifehack? With a 75% female ratio in AZU-1, I think it's safe to say there's been a few conversations that don't involve guys. Given half the story is about a girl/girl will-they-or-won't-they shtick.. yeah.. easy pass.

Watching Yute? Similar situation. Female protagonist that likes females. Even outside of that, she deals with women in her barracks all the time. From cookies, to mediation, to grenades, to lizards, there's a ton of topics they go discuss.

Echoes of Erebus? Hmm.. The female here here has a male living in her head, and that's a big portion of her conversations. But in her bar job, she has three female co-workers, and they talk about the bar, her situation, oh, and monsters. BUT WHAT GENDER ARE THE MURDEROUS MONSTERS??? hm. Yeah, I think Echoes passes.

The upcoming RUBBERMAN'S CAGE? Okay, this immediately becomes trickier. Male protagonist. And the narrative sticks really close to him, since it's his story. He runs into women, but he doesn't creep around so he can listen to one of them talk to another. So far, the perspective hasn't jumped outside of Lenth's immediate experiences, so at that rate, it seems really unlikely that it will pass the Bechdel test.

So.. the book is apparently sexist.


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