Thanks to discovering a new manufactirer, the trade paperback of Lifehack is now down by about $5, to 15.95! Click here to buy right now! whee! do it!
Those of you unaware of what the novel is about, you can head to my personal site, , which has just had a bit of a facelift. It also has some excerpts, my art, and a mixed bag of other junk.
It'll also tell you that the old sources for the $5 e-book and the "Priced insanely" Hardcover are still available... the ebook is cheapest, and has no shipping charge, but... unless you have extra ink, or like reading off the screen, the trade paperback's your best option.
By the way, littleBIGplanet people, I'm up to level 14, and a new tutorial & junkyard level, so go search ozero...!
be gentle.
In Caitlin news, she's getting yappier and yappier. Most words still dont come out WELL, but a lot are coming out. She pretends to read, holding a book, jibbering. She's go up to you, poke your eye, and tell you it's an eye, all kinds of cute crazy things.
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