….was what a certain lawyer-wannabe friend of mine had said about AZU-1:Lifehack. Recently I found a review of AZU-1, that had a similar notion- that it could have done with an actual sex scene.
Le sigh.
Alright, alright, I can understand. A guy reads a book that has a significant lesbian plotline, written by a guy.. and said readers are prone to expecting some girl-on-girl fux0ring. Sorry fellas, I had no intent of writing that kind of thing.
“So WTF did you intend then?” Well, as a male, I think ladies are purdy. Guys? Less so. Ya follow me OK so far? Good. Females are also a little more prone to expressing emotion, (if I can get a little sexist there,) so wouldn’t a lesbian relationship tend to be more expressive?
And as far as that goes, how many BILLION times have we seen the guy/girl scenario played out? It’s been done to death. Regan and Alisia’s situation, (notably with Alisia NOT being a lesbian) gave it a bit of a twist. And then there’s Kris. Who’s just twisted in general.
All that said, I’ve gotten a little ribbing here and there about the lesbian content. Nothing malicious. I was also told I was a little heavy-handed with the gay-rights support in AZU-1. Alright, alright, it came out kinda cheesy and times. This has been streamlined for the 2nd edition.
Those of you chomping at the bit for some hot n heavy gay action in Yute should be cautioned however- there’s also a gay MALE sub-plot in the book. Bahahaha! See the guys all shift uncomfortably? I felt the need to have the other side of the gay coin represent. Don’t worry guys, that sex scene’s only going to go on for a couple dozen pages.
And, Lifehack update:
Finished since last post:
- Add a couple small scenes and references,
- Inform the reader WHERE the book takes place in the world, (fictional island nation of Ayguola, east of Australia, west of South America)
- Re-vamp the chapter headers
- New foreword
- 'Finalize' the trade paperback cover
- Order ONE book for sending around to my new highlighter-equipped editing force (this will be a slow step, as I'm going to send it though as many people as possible)
- While this is underway, finalize the hardcover cover, and continue writing another project (either Watching Yute, or 'wasn't worth the parking space')
- When the editing copy gets back to me, go over it, correcting the master manuscript,
- Take orders, and order the books!
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