Thursday, October 25, 2007

Softcore Lesbian Porn without the Payoff...

….was what a certain lawyer-wannabe friend of mine had said about AZU-1:Lifehack. Recently I found a review of AZU-1, that had a similar notion- that it could have done with an actual sex scene.

Le sigh.

Alright, alright, I can understand. A guy reads a book that has a significant lesbian plotline, written by a guy.. and said readers are prone to expecting some girl-on-girl fux0ring. Sorry fellas, I had no intent of writing that kind of thing.
“So WTF did you intend then?” Well, as a male, I think ladies are purdy. Guys? Less so. Ya follow me OK so far? Good. Females are also a little more prone to expressing emotion, (if I can get a little sexist there,) so wouldn’t a lesbian relationship tend to be more expressive?
And as far as that goes, how many BILLION times have we seen the guy/girl scenario played out? It’s been done to death. Regan and Alisia’s situation, (notably with Alisia NOT being a lesbian) gave it a bit of a twist. And then there’s Kris. Who’s just twisted in general.

All that said, I’ve gotten a little ribbing here and there about the lesbian content. Nothing malicious. I was also told I was a little heavy-handed with the gay-rights support in AZU-1. Alright, alright, it came out kinda cheesy and times. This has been streamlined for the 2nd edition.

The next book, “Watching Yute” also features some lesbians in the lead. Why? Well, revision aside, I thought I’d like to hit the subject matter from another angle, and approach facets that Regan and Alisia can’t. Does this mean a sex scene? Mayyybe a little. MAYBE. A LITTLE. It really didn’t seem appropriate for Alisia.
Those of you chomping at the bit for some hot n heavy gay action in Yute should be cautioned however- there’s also a gay MALE sub-plot in the book. Bahahaha! See the guys all shift uncomfortably? I felt the need to have the other side of the gay coin represent. Don’t worry guys, that sex scene’s only going to go on for a couple dozen pages.

And, Lifehack update:

Finished since last post:
  1. Add a couple small scenes and references,
  2. Inform the reader WHERE the book takes place in the world, (fictional island nation of Ayguola, east of Australia, west of South America)
  3. Re-vamp the chapter headers
  4. New foreword
Yet to do:

  1. 'Finalize' the trade paperback cover
  2. Order ONE book for sending around to my new highlighter-equipped editing force (this will be a slow step, as I'm going to send it though as many people as possible)
  3. While this is underway, finalize the hardcover cover, and continue writing another project (either Watching Yute, or 'wasn't worth the parking space')
  4. When the editing copy gets back to me, go over it, correcting the master manuscript,
  5. Take orders, and order the books!

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