Monday, February 9, 2009


Sackboy, that is. It's been too long since Ive blogged, and the game littleBIGplanet, and the hero sackboy is largely to blame.

The entire book Lifehack is now told in a set of 10 littleBIGplanet levels, in a very truncated, LBP kinda way. Two contests were run on separate Life-hack themed levels, where the top winners won a copy of the book and other LH goodies. The badguy from Lifehack also 'enjoys' some side-story silliness. Fan damand has caused another Regan side-story, and a remake of the first level, with my more developed skills, and the all-hallowed PAINTINATOR, which would have been spiffy to have when I STARTED the set, not as soon as I finished #10...

Anyone out there playing LBP, do a serach for ozero or lifehack, and you'll find em pretty easy.

In other Lifehack news, I'm moving the production of the softcover (tradepaperback 6x9") version to a new producer, which will drop the retal price by about five bucks. Whee!


Caitlin's charging ever forward, leanring new (often mangled) words almost every other day. We have to start training her on how to wlak in public, without runnign around like a maniac. Even with the 'leash', it's a trick and a half for me to control her, thus, she still spends most of her outins with me secure in the carrier I have.. but she loves it.

When the snow hit right before xmas, I was practically stranded in the house for a month and a half... well, not quite THAT bad, but for me to get to anywhere useful, I had to wheel over a section of sidewalk that never receies even a patronizing attempt of a shovelling.. so the other option was to go on the road, which I did twice or so.. and none with Caitlin on board.

The other week when I pulled out the carrier, she miled form ear to ear. We got suited up for the cold. Then I went to the hallway mirror for a last minute 'system check'. Caitlin saw us ready to rock, and wiggled and giggled. Oh yes, there will be a tune on sourdough to mangle. Muaha.. plat and then the sandwish shop, that was the routine.

F#@$kin' snow.